
Field Guides

ISBN: 0679408525
Title: The National Audubon Society Field Guide to the Night Sky
Author: Mark R. Chartrand,Jane Friedman
Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf Incorporated
Date Published: October 1991
Format: Trade Cloth A handbook for skygazers that combines the best in astrophotography
with a unique system of beautiful and easy-to-read star charts. Designed to make it simple
for the reader to find and identify every major natural celestial object visible
throughout the year with up-to-the-minute research and clear, accessible text, charts, and
cross-references. 410 illustrations. |

ISBN: 0395910994
Title: A Field Guide to Stars and Planets
Author: Jay M. Pasachoff,Contribution by Wil Tirion
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company
Date Published: December 1997
Format: Trade Paper |

ISBN: 0671874675
Title: The Star Guide: Learn how to Read the Night Sky Star by
Author: Robin Kerrod
Publisher: P-H Gen Re
Date Published: October 1993
Format: Trade Cloth Totally visual, totally accessible, The Star Guide is a guide to
actual observation of the night sky--what you can see for yourself with the naked eye or
through binoculars or a telescope. Includes a rotating "planisphere" that
enables the reader to locate the positions of constellations. 300 color photos and
illustrations. |

ISBN: 078354751X
Title: Skywatching
Author: David H. Levy,John O'Byrne
Publisher: Time-Life, Incorporated
Date Published: September 1995
Format: Trade Cloth |

ISBN: 0812047761
Title: Stars and Planets
Author: Joachim Ekrutt,Clint Hatchett
Publisher: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated
Date Published: March 1992
Format: Trade Paper A wonderful handbook for the amateur astronomer, Stars and Planets
contains 175 star maps and charts, plus 30 stunning full-color photographs of heavenly
objects. Detailed text accompanies each star chart and guides star gazers to the most
fascinating objects in the night sky on a month-by-month basis. |

ISBN: 0517565293
Title: Discover the Stars
Author: Richard Berry
Publisher: Crown Publishing Group
Date Published: July 1987
Format: Trade Paper Thirty-five sky maps lead beginging stargazers on a tour of the
heavens. |

ISBN: 0921820119
Title: The Backyard Astronomer's Guide
Author: Terence Dickinson,Alan Dyer,Barry Estabrook (Editor)
Publisher: Firefly Bk
Date Published: October 1991
Format: Trade Cloth An essential reference tool for both beginning and veteran sky
observers. Drawing on decades of stargazing experience, the authors suggest what equipment
to buy and what to avoid, describe observing techniques, and explain how to hunt down the
most interesting celestial objects. Each chapter is illustrated with the latest,
breathtaking astrophotography. |

ISBN: 0671693034
Title: The Practical Astronomer
Author: Brian Jones,Stephen J. Edberg
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Trade
Date Published: June 1990
Format: Trade Paper The Practical Astronomer is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to
the basic techniques of astronomy. Profusely illustrated with 283 photographs, drawings,
diagrams, and charts, it shows amateur astronomers not only what to look for, but how to
go about looking. |

ISBN: 0440506964
Title: The Lawnchair Astronomer
Author: Gerry Descoteaux
Publisher: Dell Publishing Company, Incorporated
Date Published: May 1995
Format: Trade Paper The latest book in the "Armchair" series, this essential
guide to charting the heavens from your own backyard teaches readers--in an
easy-to-understand, non-technical style--how to view the night sky and what to look for.
The book includes tips on how to purchase astronomy equipment, indexes for lunar and solar
eclipses and recurring meteor showers, and a star map. |

ISBN: 0521568390
Title: The Monthly Sky Guide
Author: Ian Ridpath,W. Tirion
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Date Published: March 1996
Format: Trade Paper An easy-to-use, month-by-month handbook for anyone wanting to
identify constellations, star clusters, nebulae, galaxies, and meteor showers, or to plot
the movement of the planets, this beginner's guide offers a clear and simple introduction
to the skies of the northern hemisphere. The positions of the planets are listed to the
end of the year 2000. 50 sky maps. |

ISBN: 0307136671
Title: Skyguide
Author: Mark R. Chartrand,Helmut K. Wimmer (Illustrator)
Publisher: Gldn Bks F
Date Published: July 1982
Format: Trade Paper An illustrated guide to watching the stars. |

ISBN: 0805046682
Title: 40 Nights to Knowing the Sky: A Night-By-Night Skywatching
Author: Fred Schaaf
Publisher: Henry Holt & Company, Incorporated
Date Published: June 1998
Format: Trade Paper Starting with simple instructions on learning one''s way around the
night sky and progressing to more challenging concepts, this ingenious program takes
readers to a deeper level of knowledge and understanding of the night sky. 70
illustrations & charts. |

ISBN: 0913135089
Title: Philips Color Star Atlas
Author: John Cox,Richard Monkhouse
Publisher: Kalmbach Publishing Comany
Date Published: September 1991
Format: Trade Paper |

ISBN: 0783549415
Title: Advanced Skywatching
Author: Time-Life Books,Alan Dyer,Martin George,Robert A. Garfinkle,Jeff Kanipe,John
O'Byrne (Editor)
Publisher: Time-Life, Incorporated
Date Published: September 1997
Format: Trade Cloth Picking up where Skywatching left off, here is an invaluable,
advanced observer's primer and field guide to the night sky. |

ISBN: 1565656520
Title: Your Guide to the Sky
Author: Rick Shaffer
Publisher: NTC Publishing Group
Date Published: June 1997
Format: Trade Paper |

ISBN: 0871566710
Title: Stars & Planets: The Sierra Club Guide to Sky Watching
& Direction Finding
Author: W. S. Kals,William S. Kals
Publisher: Sierra Club Books
Date Published: September 1990
Format: Trade Paper This unique handbook clearly shows step-by-step how to locate major
stars, planets, and constellations anywhere on both sides of the equator with the naked
eye--and get direction from the sky. Other topics include the cycles of the moon, new
stars, comets, meteors, and more. Line drawings. |
