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Buckeye - Junonia coenia

JS001456.jpg (387000 bytes)

Size 2 - 2½"
Egg dark green, ribbed with flat top.
Caterpillar Dark green to grey with orange and yellow markings.
Host / Food Plantain, Toadflax, Snapdragon and Gerardia
Broods 2 broods in north, several in south.
Habitat Roadsides, fields, meadows, riverbanks, wet lands and open places.
Range North both East and West of Rockies to Oregon, Ontario and New England. Also throughout the South.

The Buckeye rivals the Monarch in it's Southernly migrations. It is unable to overwinter in colder climates.   The one in the photo above was soaking up some sun on our sidewalk. It almost looks artifical.