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Pearly Crescentspot - Phycoides tharos

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Size 1 - 1½"
Egg Pale yellow or green laid in clusters
Caterpillar Brown with yellow green bands and many branched spines.
Host / Food Asters and Crownbeard
Broods 2 broods North, up to 5 or more broods south.
Habitat Open spaces, meadows, fields, roadsides and yards.
Range Yukon to Newfoundland to Southern Mexico, and from Washington, California to the Atlantic.

The Pearly Crescentspot is a very common butterfly in North America. It is very territorial and will try to chase away other butterflies, birds and even people. It was very fond of our wild-flower garden and thistle weeds.
This one is trying to help itself to a drink at a Hummingbird feeder.

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